Tuesday, March 5, 2013

March 4, 2013

 Hey Everybody,
The picture I sent was a dead pig, in the same river there were 2 dead cats, me and my companion tried to hit them with rocks as we were going to our next appointment. They were swollen up like balloons.
This week we had a visit from Elder Hallstrom and his wife, they both gave great talks. One thing I really liked was something that Elder Hallstrom said was that the success of a meeting doesn't depend on the speaker but it depends on those listening, if we think why are we in that meeting and listen to the spirit and then commit to make a change for the better.
Mom asked to hear aboot some people that we are working with. Let me tell you about the Balagbagan Family, they are recent converts and we are preparing them to go to the temple. Before the dad was baptized he had a smoking and drinking problem but he kicked it and was baptized but then a few months after he started drinking again and he is kind of hard headed so if we told him the word of wisdom he would just go and drink some more, it was kind of frustrating to be honest, but then we had the idea to just read the Book of Mormon with the whole family just a chapter at a time. I noticed that as time passed the dad seemed to be happier and then a few weeks later he stopped drinking! It testifies to me that when a person reads the Book of Mormon with a sincere desire, it automatically makes them want to change for the better. it was great.
Another recent convert we have been working with passed away this week, his name is Romeo Aquino and he is the only member in his family, he had asthma and really high blood pressure, he was also preparing to go to the temple. His house is pretty far away and he was supposed to be bedridden but he always came to church early. My companion and I were asked to speak at his funeral, I read from Alma 40:11 and as I did the spirit testified to me that what I read was true, and that the Plan of Salvation is true. It was an overwhelming feeling.

Anyway this weeks assignment I want to hear your testimony about the Plan of Salvation, and how it has blessed you.

I love you all,
Love Elder Proctor

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