Wednesday, December 5, 2012

December 3, 2012

Hello Everybody,

So Mom I will be able to Skype on Christmas you just tell me the time. Speaking of Christmas, the Filipinos have a tradition that is like caroling mixed with trick or treating only when they come to your house and sing, they don't leave until you give them money! How neat is that.

Oh and do you know that book I am always asking for? the Book of Missionary Inspirational Stories, I finally got to read it and it was great! There was one story in there that I wanted to share, So its low tide on a beach and there are tons of star fish that are going to die unless they get back in the water, and there is a young man on the beach just chucking them into the water one at a time, saving them one at a time, an older man sees this guy on the beach and says to him "quit wasting your time! there are miles of beach and there are millions of starfish, how will you ever make a difference?" and then the younger man picks up another starfish and says "I made a difference for that one." How cool is that! I realize that I may not be able to teach the whole city about the gospel but I can make a difference for a few of them.

So this week I have been thinking about my emails home and I realized that I need to write better so this week I have been praying that I would be able to write you guys more and that I could bring you to the Cauayan Mission. So I was thinking last nights about what I could write and I thought of the Philippines and that got me thinking about the things that I dont have here, but that also made me realize what I do have.
For example, here in the Philippines its crazy hot and would be awesome to have air conditioning, but I have an electric fan that works as long as there is electricity and there is electricity 80% of the time, there are others that have less. I also thought about the food here and even though its not the food I am used to and sometimes its not very good, but I am never hungry. Or the running water that we have and the water filter! Clean and drinkable water! Some people dont have that. Or my worn out shoes that have holes in them and are falling apart, well at least I have shoes. Or my feet and knees that are always sore from walking, well at least I can walk! Or my shirts that are getting holes from hand washing them, at least I have clothes to wear. Our apartment maybe small and hot but at least I have a safe place to sleep every night. My Family back home that loves and supports me, and understands why I am out here, The Gospel and its endless blessing. There are so many things that I have to be grateful for and I know that I have these things because of a Heavenly Father that loves me.

I love all of you! Cant wait to talk to you this Christmas!
Love Elder Proctor

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