Thursday, January 24, 2013

January 14, 2013

Hello Everyone,
So you all saw that comment about me on the Carlos' mission blog eh? I thought that was pretty funny too. 
Laura and Tyler got hitched how exciting, It looks like everything went well. I guess ya'all backed out on printing a life size picture of me. Oh well I will cry about that one later.
So things are going really well out here in the Philippines, I am proud to say that we have seen some incredible growth in our Zone and in our own area, Its been great to see. This week me and my companion were able to find a new investigator! She is married to an RM that went less-active, so we are excited to teach her and reactivate the RM. There is nothing more frustrating to me then teaching less-active RMs. So moral of the story is once you have served the Lord on a mission DON'T STOP! haha

Have I ever told you how beautiful it is here? I wish I could send you pictures but the camera just doesn't do it justice, just yesterday as we were walking down a muddy path on one side there was an irrigation ditch and on the other was the beautiful green rice fields that I love so much. As we were walking I could just feel how wonderful the creations of Heavenly Father really are, I know he loves me and I know that he loves all of us. I hope you all can feel that same feeling from time to time.

I love the work, and I love the people. I have learned so much from them, they are so humble and yet so happy for the blessings that they have. Yesterday we were teaching a family about tithing in there mud floor house while chickens were running around. We shared with them a quote From Gordon B. Hinckley, that he said on one of his trips to the Philippines, he said " Furthermore, I believe with all my heart that if they will accept the gospel and live it, pay their tithes and offerings, even though those be meager, the Lord will keep His ancient promise in their behalf, and they will have rice in their bowls and clothing on their backs and shelter over their heads." As we shared this the spirit filled the room of this humble family and testified to me that it was true. I love this quote, I love the Prophets and Apostles that are inspired men of God that are lead and directed by our Heavenly Father.

This week I borrowed a book from my companion, "Stories from the Life of Porter Rockwell" it was great I finished it in 2 days.  Speaking of books are you going to send me "The Miracle of Forgiveness?" I sure would love to have it.

Thank you all for your love and support. I hope that you have a great week. 
I love you all 
Elder Proctor 
PS. I almost didn't write an email this week, but then I remembered how worried Mom would get when I would get home late and didnt know where I was. So you are welcome. 
PPS. Can I request a little more effort on the emails you all send? I love the emails but sometimes it almost sounds like its a chore for you to write me. Thank You

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