Monday, February 6, 2012


Hello one and all!

So Heber was baptized! That is so exciting.  We actually had 3 of our investigators get baptized also on February 4th! Must be a good day for making the right decisions.  haha Way to go Heber and way to go Brian and Michelle for bringing him up right :)

So this week was great yet again, we had our first community service project. We fertilized a corn field... by hand haha it was great! I spent the whole day walking in a squatting position, up and down the rows of corn. Needless to say my glutes and thighs were howling by the end of the day! But it was worth it to see the face of the member that owned the field after we had helped him. After we were done they cooked some corn on the cob for us. haha Talk about the fruits of our labors. The whole time I was eating the corn I was thinking to myself "Hey, save me a piece of that corn!" haha Good times. Oh and I got to drink out of a fresh coconut, its an interesting flavor, it doesn’t taste like the coconut that I know, haha but it was cool.

Then we had another baptism for Sister C who is 17 and she wants to serve a mission, and also for Brother R.  who is 13.  He has been going to church since he was a little kid and he just forgot to be baptized. haha Also Alan who is 14, he also wants to serve a mission and has already started to save money for it! It was a good day. I didn’t get any pictures of them so I will have to steal them from my comp and send them to you later.

Today for p day some of our zone decided to go to another cave, it was pretty neat. I felt like Indiana Jones, but unfortunately there was no treasure inside this cave.
So here are some funny/cool experiences I had this week. So I was studying the Abrahamic Covenant and I was lead to Proverbs 10:1 which says "A bwise son maketh a cglad dfather: but a efoolish son is the fheaviness of his gmother." I read that and laughed to myself thinking "sorry Mom" haha

The other experience was really cool, so there is this family that always has us over for dinner and they always invite us to join their  scripture study with them.   But they only had 4 Book of Mormons for the 5 of them.   I remembered that in our apartment we have this stack of Books of Mormon that we never use because they are in English.  So when we went to their house this week I brought a book with me and gave it to them. I wish you all could have seen the little kid’s faces.   They said, “Now we can all read and not have to share!” haha  And the parents were grateful because no they wouldn’t fight over them haha. Then we sat with them and had a great scripture study and since we were reading in English they had a lot of questions for me. haha  It was a good experience.

So its picture time...not! The computers here are crappy, and all of my pictures were just deleted. crap! I will just steal more from my comp.
Well everybody,  I love you and I thank you for all of your support.


 Elder Proctor 

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