Monday, January 30, 2012


Hello family,

           I am doing pretty good here at the MTC! The first couple of days were pretty hard, we were constantly being lifted up then put back down again but all is well. Yesterday we taught a faux investigator that could only speak tagalog! super scary but way fun! We have learned so much in these few days I cant even believe it! The language is coming pretty good, we know basic greetings, thank you, you are welcome, and how to pray and how to give our testimony. I also know the word for family so guess what you all just got prayed for in tagalog! boom roasted. 

To say hello you say mabuti, so me and my companion Elder Nielson say your booty is mabuti haha pretty good eh. So dont ever let Martha tell you that her mission is hard, if she does tell her to try and tell someone about the Book of Mormon with her tounge tied to her foot. We are loving it here, but doing the lords work is hard as can be, but I wouldnt have it any other way.

So the night we met our branch presidency we were all interviewed by them and then after that they called the district leaders, and to my surprise they called me! So i am basically the mailman to my district so you should send as many letters as possible! Thankyou so much for the letters that you have sent, to a missionary letters are like heroin but in a good way haha thanks mom for sending my garments that I left in the dryer. I hope you are all doing well, know that I am praying for you (in tagalog) and that I love you all very much. Thank you for your prayers, I need all the help I can get.
It feels like I am in a dream, like I could wake up at any moment and be back at home, time is starting to just fly by here and thats good haha dont get me wrong I love it here but I want to get to the field. The days are long and they are hard but they go by fast, So I figure that if I keep up the hard work I will be in the field before I know it. \

Are those dear elder things free for you guys? if so you should send a thousand a day! haha my p day is on saturday and my estimated departure date is november 28.
I love all of you and I cant wait to hear from you soon

Love Elder Proctor

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