Monday, January 30, 2012


Kumusta po Kayo pamylia atin

 Well its  been yet another week here in the empty sea (man I love missionary jokes) So the biggest thing that happend this week was that Richard G. Scott gave our devotional this saturday! It was really funny, our district was all sitting together and when he walked in we all stood up but we were in the back and couldnt tell who it was so we were all guessing who it would be. He gave a great talk. I was in tears for most of it, he spoke about listening to the Holy Ghost and praying with sincere intent, it was just so good, I am pretty sure they film all the devotionals so you should all look and see if you can find it, if you can then you should also look up Chad Lewis's fireside, did you know he went to the same mission as Jake? congrats Jake you are practically famous! The 2 districts that are 6 weeks ahead of us left this monday and we got 8 more dork dots on wednesday. So we arent the newbies anymore! 

Our teacher told us to only speak tagalog to the new kids and so on there 1st night here I went into their room and said hello and shared my testimony with them and they all gave me the most horrified look haha it reminded me of my first day! haha that seems like it was so long ago, the time really flys by here. From what mom said it sounds like its been a crazy week in Highland, if you see Nathan say hi for me and tell him that he is awesome for serving in the temple.

 I want you all to know that I love all of you and that I am working as hard as I can to be the best I can be, I have already learned so much in the few weeks I have been here and I know there is so much more to come. I am so grateful to have been raised by such a wonderful family, all of you have been fantastic examples to me. I know that the wonderful family I have is wonderful because of this gospel, We are all so blessed to have a knowlegde of the truth and to know that our Heavenly Father loves each and every one of us more then our finite minds could ever comprehend. This gospel blesses lives, it saves lives. I know I say this a lot but I want to say again how excited I am to go and preach the truth to the Filipino people, every day I learn more about them and every day my love for them grows stonger.

I know that the Lord is preparing the road ahead of me, I know that he is getting people ready to hear the truth and I hope that I may be able to share it with them and bring them back into the fold of God. I know that I will do my best to do exactly that.
I love you all and I love hearing from you so dont ever hesitate to write a letter or email, and I will try my best to respond.

Love Elder Proctor

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